Monday, December 4, 2017

Nominate A Family That Needs A Little Help This Holiday Season

It's good to see our community coming together to help those people in need. As you may or may not know, we are in the midst of our annual "Feed the Hungry Campaign". In-short the "Feed The Hungry Campaign' is an out reach program founded by the Brothers to Brothers Organization. This year The Brothers to Brothers Organization and The Fallen Fathers Foundation will pull it's resources together in-conjunction with charitable donations from everyday people just like you. With those resources we will give away gift cards from local grocery stores to the people that's actually trying but need a little help to make their holiday season complete. 

With that being said, we would like for you to nominate a friend and or family that can use this type of blessing during this time of the year. If you would like to nominate someone please contact Rich P at , Tim Anderson via Facebook and Hiram D.Akeem at (330) 937-2632. Remember, we will be blessing people that gets nominated every Saturday until the end of the year.